Sunday, August 30, 2009


Today I have The Compulsive Reader in for a chat. Here is how it went down.

1. Have you met any fellow bloggers?
No, I have not. The closest blogger is about 4 hours from me, and we haven't had any events nearby.

2. Have you attended any book conventions?
No, but I did meet Suzanne Collins at a Borders event this past Monday! I talked with a lot of really cool people who worked at Borders, in sales and distributions and marketing, and with some Scholastic people as well. It was so much fun!

3. Who is your favorite author?
Ah, too tough to decide! Though after meeting Suzanne Collins, I think I like her even more! She was super sweet, wasn't afraid to laugh at herself, and she went around giving everyone hugs!

4. What are your thoughts on banned books?
I hate it when people ban book! Gah! My opinion on the matter: parents are responsible for what their kids read, not librarians. It's the library's duty to stock books that the public will enjoy, not monitor their patrons' reading habits. If you are concerned about what your kids are reading, help them choose books! Don't expect your library to remove books that you believe are inappropriate--it's your job to raise your kids and decide what they should be reading, not monitoring what the whole community's children are reading!

5. How do you handle the people who are sometimes rude on blogs?
For the most part, just ignore them. If something needs to be said, then I'll say it politely, but perpetually rude people get off on getting reactions out of us, so I just ignore them.

6. When did you begin blogging?
I began my blog in 2006, but it really started to take off in 2007.

7. Did it take time to get it really going?
Most definitely! It took me at least four months to really build up a steady following of readers and get my name out there and start getting review copies. And that was way back when there weren't nearly as many blogs around! It certainly does not happen overnight!

8. Any advice for fellow bloggers?
Be patient and persistant, don't expect to reap the benefits right away. Blogging takes a lot of time and effort. Always be respectful to anyone and everyone, even those rude people, and stay positive.

Thanks again for coming!

If you would like an interview please email me.

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