Monday, June 22, 2009

Must Monday: 17

Here is what I'm waiting for this week!

Kristen Gregory: When Massie and Kristen's SBFF (secret best friend forever) Layne are vying for the same boy, she has to make a choice. Life was easier when the boyfast was still on!
Cover Image Unclaimed Hearts by Kim Wilkins
The rules for a young English woman in 1799 are simple: Do what you're told; stay out of the way; and don't, under any circumstances, ask questions.


Bookworm said...

Aside from the kind of stupid title, I'm so excited for the next Clique book, it sounds so awesome! But I totally need to catch up. The last one I read was like, a year ago, and I still have to read the 9th and 10th, too!

Melanie said...

Unclaimed Hearts looks absolutely fabulous! I love historical fiction.