Sunday, January 17, 2010


Holly Nicole Hoxter is the author of The Snowball Effect.
1. What has been the most exciting part of getting published?
There have been so many exciting moments, but holding the book in ARC form literally made me cry, so that's probably my favorite part so far. It didn't feel real until I saw the actual book. I may drop dead from excitement the first time I see it in a bookstore. Not literally, though. I’ll probably just make a scene and cry again.

2. How long did it take you to get published?
Well, it took a year from the time I started writing The Snowball Effect until it sold, and then a two year wait until the publication date. But before that, I started my first novel when I was 17 and worked on that for six long years. Once I started actively trying to get an agent and get published, it didn't take long at all, as far as these things go. But it took me awhile to get serious and actually start trying.

3. Were you faced with rejection at first? How did you handle it?
Rejection? Never! Hahaha. My first novel probably received 30-40 total agent rejections before I stopped querying that one. The Snowball Effect had much less because I only sent it to a select few agents, and then of course we had a few publisher rejections. I had a shockingly healthy attitude toward rejection. I accepted it and rarely took it personally. I had my share of disappointment and frustration (like the time I spent the entire day irate because an agent rejected me AND got my name wrong), but I always knew that writing is what I was born to do, so I didn't let rejection rattle me. I just waited patiently for the right people to say "yes." Okay, I don't know why I'm being such a liar. I did not wait patiently AT ALL. I could handle rejection just fine, but the waiting nearly KILLED me. There's so much waiting in the publishing business. It's not fun. It's much worse than rejection.

4. Where did you get your ideas for this book?
A weird dream sparked a "what if" moment. I wondered how I would handle things if my parents died and I had to raise my younger sisters. Because I'm not a perfect wonderful daughter, it occurred to me that I would probably be pretty angry with them. Then Lainey appeared, like magic, and I knew her entire story. On a personal level, I was going through a rough time in my life emotionally, so I poured all of my anger and bitterness into Lainey. Part of me would have rather cried all day and ate blocks of cheese until I was too fat to move, but writing the novel was more healthy and productive.

5. What do you think or hope readers will gain from your novel?
I don't have any expectations. I'm reminded of that Anais Nin quote, "We don't see things as they are, we see things as we are." Everyone's bringing their own personal experiences to the novel so everyone will get something different out of it. Some people will hear a message that never even occurred to me, and I think that's great. My mother and I argue about whether Lainey ended up with the right guy at the end, and I don't think I'm necessarily right just because I wrote it.

6. When writing do you outline or just begin?
Outline FTW. I can't begin if I don't know where I'm going. I'm stubborn like that. I have notes and outlines and color-coded post-it notes carefully arranged on my storyboard. I'm not rigid, though, and things can definitely change at any time. It's like leaving for a road trip and taking a map. You never HAVE to follow it, but it's there when you need it.

7. What authors inspire you?
As far as YA goes, Elizabeth Scott, Garret Freymann-Weyr, and Dominique Paul because I love their writing. And Justine Larbalestier and Scott Westerfeld because they always live where it's summer!

8. Complete this: While writing this book I learned...
That I should marry my current boyfriend because he took such good care of me and was so wonderful while I was in my writing haze (and query hell). I know he'll always support my dreams and make sure our future kids are fed and bathed while I barricade myself in my office and make up stories.

9. Complete this: You should buy my novel because... have $15 and want to read it? will lift your spirit, renew your faith in humanity, and other cliches?
...I need to earn enough royalties to buy a sweet Corvette?
You all should get yourself a copy of this book! I have mine and cant wait to share my review with you!

1 comment:

Bianca said...

I can't even explain how much I want to read this book. I absolutely love studying/reading about anything like this.

I am always asking the what ifs. I can totally relate to Holly on that! and I love what she says in question 5. I love quotes and that Anais Nin quote is amazing.

Great interview!