Tuesday, July 31, 2012
#MMBlogTour and contest
a Rafflecopter giveaway
“Which Spellbound Character Would YOU Most Likely Be?”
This giveaway is open internationally! So let’s tell the blogging world!
Hi everyone, I’m Sherry Soule—waving from Castro Valley, California, where it gets foggy even during the summer months. But even with the fog burning off by afternoon, I’m relaxing on the sofa and blabbering on Twitter about my life-long obsession with books.
It’s a real honor to be a guest today as part of my epic tour this summer and meet all these awesome booklovers.
To celebrate the release of author, Sherry Soule’s newest paranormal novel, MOONLIGHT MAYHEM, the second book in the epic Spellbound Series, take this super fun quiz to see which character in the Spellbound universe you’d mostly be similar to, and score a Kindle or Nook version of the first book in this unforgettable YA series, Beautifully Broken!
1. What’s your favorite season?
a) Winter - Cloudy, Chilly, Rainy, Stormy
b) Fall - Windy, Misty, Foggy, Mild
c) Summer - Hot, Dry, No Wind, Sunny
d) Spring – Warm, Breezy, Greenery, Brisk
2. I detest using labels, but what would others call you at school?
a) Normal or Jock/ Cheerleader
b) Preppy/ Student Counsel
c) Amateur Fashionista
d) Girlish tomboy
3. Which of the following best describes your personality?
a) Snobbish, Eccentric, Perky
b) Haughty, Moody, Smart
c) Tough, Snarky, Weird
d) Playful, Vivacious, Straightforward
4. Which genre do you read most often?
a) Urban Fantasy
b) Horror / Dark YA
c) Paranormal Romance
d) Dystopia
5. You are at school and witness a student bullying someone. What do you do?
a) Run in the opposite direction before they pick on you
b) Laugh and join in on the fun
c) Stop and tell the bully to knock it off or else!
d) Go tell a teacher what’s going on
6. What’s your hairstyle?
a) Short and sassy
b) Long and straight
c) Medium with highlights
d) Curly or wavy
7. What’s your typical breakfast?
a) Eggs and bacon
b) Oatmeal and orange juice
c) Coffee and a Pop tart
d) Heaping bowl of my fav cereal
8. What type of pet would you like to have or do you own?
a) Hamster
b) Small Dog
c) Shade
d) Cat
9. How often do you shop or hit the mall?
a) Only on sale days
b) Once or twice a month
c) Every week—duh
d) Hardly ever
If you answered...
Mostly a's: You and Kayla are a lot alike! You both love a good sale, and you’re energetic and sassy.
Mostly b's: Ashley and you could be sisters. You each enjoy autumn days, hanging at the mall, abut you can be a tad moody.
Mostly c's: Shiloh and you could be besties! You both love to shop for the newest trends, enjoy reading paranormal romance novels, and you even have a snarky-side.
Mostly d's: Sounds like you and Ariana have a lot in common. You each love to read YA books, adore cats, and can often be straightforward, but super fun.
Monday, July 30, 2012
Must Monday
Must Monday is a feature where I talk spotlight a book I want to read that has not been released yet.
Forget Me Not
Carolee Dean
Simon Pulse
Ally is devastated when a scandalous photo of her is texted around school. With her reputation in shambles and her life essentially over, she hides out in a back hallway, trying to figure out where everything went wrong.
Elijah has spent time in that hallway too. He landed there after taking a whole bottle of sleeping pills. Now he can see ghosts, and he knows what Ally has yet to suspect—that she’s already half dead, and one choice away from never coming back. Elijah has loved Ally for years and would do anything to save her from the in-between place. But if she’s going to live, Ally must face her inner demons and find the will to save herself.
Why I want to read it:
This sounds dark but so good. It is written in verse, which is usually very enjoyable.
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Can I Get An Amen?
Title: Can I Get An Amen?
Author: Sarah Healy
Publisher: Penguin
Release: 6/5/2012
Source: Publisher
Grade: B
Audience: Adult
Growing up, Ellen Carlisle was a Christian: she went to Jesus camp, downed stale Nilla wafers at Sunday school, and never, ever played with Ouija boards. Now, years later, when infertility prevents her from giving her ambitious attorney husband a family, she finds herself on the brink of divorce, unemployed, and living with her right-wing, Born Again Christian parents in her suburban New Jersey hometown. There the schools are private, the past is public, and blessings come in lump sums.
Then Ellen meets a man to whom she believes she can open her heart, and she begins to think that maybe it’s true what they say, that everything happens for a reason… Until all that was going well starts going very badly, and Ellen is finally forced to dig down deep to find her own brand of faith.
My thoughts:
I have been trying to make a dent in my adult review pile, which is why you have seen so many adult reviews lately. I will admit I am getting a bit burnt out on adult books, even before I started reading this one so it is probably time I take a nice break with some more YA.
This sounded like a book I could connect with. I was pretty excited to review it. Ellen had a childhood similar to mine. I grew up going to church camp and Sunday school. I never had a desire to mess with a Ouija board but I was banned from playing "fib finder". As I grew up I had to find my own faith, as did Ellen. That being said I had every reason to believe I would find a connection. I did not though. That is the only reason I would bring my grade from an "A" to a "B" for this book. There was just something about her that bugged me.
The plot was interesting and it moved at a good pace. There was a wonderful mix of hurt and love within the story. I honestly felt every emotion imaginable while reading this book. For that I applaud the author. It takes talent to do that successfully.
I recommend this book to my adult readers who can look past Ellen and want a story full of mixed emotions. It is not "too religious" so do not let that be what keeps you away.
Author: Sarah Healy
Publisher: Penguin
Release: 6/5/2012
Source: Publisher
Grade: B
Audience: Adult
Growing up, Ellen Carlisle was a Christian: she went to Jesus camp, downed stale Nilla wafers at Sunday school, and never, ever played with Ouija boards. Now, years later, when infertility prevents her from giving her ambitious attorney husband a family, she finds herself on the brink of divorce, unemployed, and living with her right-wing, Born Again Christian parents in her suburban New Jersey hometown. There the schools are private, the past is public, and blessings come in lump sums.
Then Ellen meets a man to whom she believes she can open her heart, and she begins to think that maybe it’s true what they say, that everything happens for a reason… Until all that was going well starts going very badly, and Ellen is finally forced to dig down deep to find her own brand of faith.
My thoughts:
I have been trying to make a dent in my adult review pile, which is why you have seen so many adult reviews lately. I will admit I am getting a bit burnt out on adult books, even before I started reading this one so it is probably time I take a nice break with some more YA.
This sounded like a book I could connect with. I was pretty excited to review it. Ellen had a childhood similar to mine. I grew up going to church camp and Sunday school. I never had a desire to mess with a Ouija board but I was banned from playing "fib finder". As I grew up I had to find my own faith, as did Ellen. That being said I had every reason to believe I would find a connection. I did not though. That is the only reason I would bring my grade from an "A" to a "B" for this book. There was just something about her that bugged me.
The plot was interesting and it moved at a good pace. There was a wonderful mix of hurt and love within the story. I honestly felt every emotion imaginable while reading this book. For that I applaud the author. It takes talent to do that successfully.
I recommend this book to my adult readers who can look past Ellen and want a story full of mixed emotions. It is not "too religious" so do not let that be what keeps you away.
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Life Without Parole
Title: Life Without Parole
Author: Clare O'Donohue
Publisher: Penguin
Release date: 4/24/2012
Source: Publisher
Grade: A
Audience: Adults
After the death of her ex-husband, things are finally returning to normal for Kate Conway—so normal that she’s gotten a little bored. Out of the blue, the television producer is offered a documentary gig about lifers in a state prison. Kate jumps at the chance. The only problem is that she’s also just been asked to produce a reality show about the opening of a new restaurant—one backed by Vera, her dead husband’s mistress. Reluctantly, she agrees to both.
But when one of the restaurant’s investors is murdered and Vera is the chief suspect, Kate must ride a treacherous psychological edge, relying on the minds of death row killers to help her solve the case.
My Thoughts:
This sounded like a pretty good book from the moment I began reading an email from the publisher. The mix of murder, mystery and true TV was too good to pass up. When I started reading it I was excited. It was written in a quirky tone that made it a fun read. Kate's voice was that of any of your best friends. That was what drew me in deeper.
The plot thickened quickly and kept me reading. The pace was one of the best I have seen in an adult book in quite some times. I did not feel talked down to like I often do when reading adult. I was not bored with too many unimportant details. The storyline moved rapidly, yet not so fast that stones were left unturned.
I truly feel that Kate's voice is what made the story. It is probably the reason I am sitting here and recommending that all my adult readers give this book a try. Even as the mystery developed Kate was still there like your friend that just keeps talking and talking. I just can't see this story without her tone. What a great book.
Friday, July 27, 2012
Who Am I?
Since so many new people have joined in on the fun here lately I figured it was time to tell you a little bit about who I am outside of blogging.
I'm Ashley, as you know. I am in my second year of pre-nursing and about to be a certified dialysis tech. Yes, I play with blood for a living. I have always know I would end up in the medical world. I originally planned to be an OB/GYN but I really like SOME free time so I changed my mind. I am now working on becoming a Labor and Delivery nurse.
On my way to the medical field I have done a little bit of everything. I got my first job at a Library back in High School. That is where I met my husband. After that I was a nanny and worked at a well known children's store. I actually still work at the children's store because I love the people I work with so much. I can't leave them no matter how hard I try.
I got married this past March and so I am busy becoming a wife. I am a crockpot addict and my husband loves seeing what I can make. He says I am the best cook ever, I think he just wants to get out of doing the dishes.
I live in Oregon. I do not really like it here and someday soon we plan to move. We have not decided between Texas and Georgia yet.
I love to read (duh!) and my favorites are YA. I like adult books but sometimes I feel belittled by them. Adult authors tend to dumb things down or take 2 pages to describe a tree. I like my books to move at a good pace because I have so many other books to read. I have been reviewing for almost 5 years. I started out reviewing for a company and branched out on my own. I took a large time period off to reestablish my love for reading and basically had to start from the ground up again. I love it though, so it was no big deal. My biggest blogging pet peeve is the people that start for free books and feel entitled. 5 years later I still feel thankful for every book I get.
If you have any questions or comments for me please contact me! I love to interact with authors and other readers.
I'm Ashley, as you know. I am in my second year of pre-nursing and about to be a certified dialysis tech. Yes, I play with blood for a living. I have always know I would end up in the medical world. I originally planned to be an OB/GYN but I really like SOME free time so I changed my mind. I am now working on becoming a Labor and Delivery nurse.
On my way to the medical field I have done a little bit of everything. I got my first job at a Library back in High School. That is where I met my husband. After that I was a nanny and worked at a well known children's store. I actually still work at the children's store because I love the people I work with so much. I can't leave them no matter how hard I try.
I got married this past March and so I am busy becoming a wife. I am a crockpot addict and my husband loves seeing what I can make. He says I am the best cook ever, I think he just wants to get out of doing the dishes.
I live in Oregon. I do not really like it here and someday soon we plan to move. We have not decided between Texas and Georgia yet.
I love to read (duh!) and my favorites are YA. I like adult books but sometimes I feel belittled by them. Adult authors tend to dumb things down or take 2 pages to describe a tree. I like my books to move at a good pace because I have so many other books to read. I have been reviewing for almost 5 years. I started out reviewing for a company and branched out on my own. I took a large time period off to reestablish my love for reading and basically had to start from the ground up again. I love it though, so it was no big deal. My biggest blogging pet peeve is the people that start for free books and feel entitled. 5 years later I still feel thankful for every book I get.
If you have any questions or comments for me please contact me! I love to interact with authors and other readers.
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Wednesday Wishlist
Wednesday Wishlist is a feature I started 5 years ago when I became a reviewer. I started it on my old blog and carried it over to here. I post about a book that is already out (and some times has been for years). I like to show love to some older books.

Angel's Choice
Lauren Baratz-Logsted
Simon Pulse
All I remember is the sensation of things slipping away from me....
In one night Angel Hansen's life changes forever: She has sex for the first time. Not that she remembers the act itself — not the pain or the pleasure. But she is left with something that will never let her forget it: an unplanned pregnancy. Angel must make a choice. Abortion? Adoption? Keep it? None of these choices are easy and none of them are perfect. But there is one thing Angel is sure of. Whatever choice she makes, it must be the right one for her. Braced with that knowledge, Angel faces the toughest decision of her life.
Why I want to read it:
Teen pregnancy is a subject that always has interested me. The psychology behind the choices the teens make and how they handle the emotions is a biggie. This sounds like a good one.
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
400 Follower Contest
This contest is to celebrate my followers. As long as I reach 400 followers by the time this contest ends I will give one of the following books away. I will be purchasing them and sending it to you through amazon. Since I am a broke college kid and newlywed I can only send to US addresses.
400 followers= 1 Prize
420 followers= 2 Prizes
450 followers= 3 prizes
500 followers= 4 prizes
You may choose from the following:
-Wicked Jealous by Robin Palmer
-Never Enough by Denise Jaden
-Crush Control by Jennifer Jabaley
-Ferocity Summer by Alissa Grosso
-What She Left Behind by Tracy Bilen
-Don't Breathe a Word by Holly Cupala
-Truth by Julia Karr
-In Too Deep by Amanda Grace
a Rafflecopter giveaway
400 followers= 1 Prize
420 followers= 2 Prizes
450 followers= 3 prizes
500 followers= 4 prizes
You may choose from the following:
-Wicked Jealous by Robin Palmer
-Never Enough by Denise Jaden
-Crush Control by Jennifer Jabaley
-Ferocity Summer by Alissa Grosso
-What She Left Behind by Tracy Bilen
-Don't Breathe a Word by Holly Cupala
-Truth by Julia Karr
-In Too Deep by Amanda Grace
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Monday, July 23, 2012
Must Monday
Must Monday is a feature where I mention a book that is not out yet. This is a book that I am anxiously awaiting the chance to read.
If I Lie
Corrine Jackson
Simon Pulse
Cheater. Traitor. Slut.
Quinn’s done the unthinkable: she kissed a guy who is not Carey, her boyfriend. And she got caught. Shunned by everyone she knows, Quinn loses her friends, her reputation, and her identity. Because Carey’s not just any guy—he’s a Marine who’s serving overseas, and beloved by everyone in their small, military town.But Quinn didn’t cheat. She could clear her name, but that would mean revealing secrets she’s vowed to keep—secrets that aren’t hers to share. So she stays silent, and waits for Carey to come home.
Then Carey goes MIA, and Quinn must decide how far she’ll go to protect her boyfriend…and her promise.
Why I want to read it?
This sounds like a good story about how one choice can change your life and how keep secrets can hurt.
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Stunning (Sara Shepard)
Sara Shepard
In Rosewood, Pennsylvania, four stunningly beautiful girls are haunted by a very ugly past. Spencer, Aria, Hanna, and Emily want nothing more than to forget Alison DiLaurentis, their former best friend who tried to ruin their lives. But someone refuses to let her memory die. A is still out there, lurking in the shadows and digging up the pretty little liars' newest secrets.
Emily's reconnecting with an old flame, one baby step at a time. But is she headed toward true love or another bundle of heartache? Spencer's learning about the highs and lows of campus life on a trip to Princeton. Aria's seeing a whole new side to Noel's dad—and it could drive a wedge between her and Noel. And, for better or worse, Hanna's getting in touch with her inner A.
Secret by secret, lie by lie, the girls get tangled in A's dangerous web. A knows about everything, from their tiniest transgressions to the awful incident in Jamaica. Soon A will have enough ammunition to pull the trigger and end the pretty little liars, once and for all. . . .
My thoughts:
It's weird to think about the start of this series. It was one of the first books I ever received to review. The third book was about to come out, so the publisher sent me books 1-3. I had never heard anything about them. After I read the first book I was in love. They became an addiction for me. I would anxiously await the next release.
As I was falling in love with them, they became a craze. All of my friends were asking to read them before the show started. When the show came out I gave it a try. I just could never get as in to it as I had hoped. These were not the characters I had become friends with. I did however manage to watch half of season one before giving up.
The book series remain amazing through book four. That was where I was told it would be ending. Then the series was expanded to 8 books and became a "good" series. There is a solid end after book 8. Now the series has been expanded on again and I am finding it to be more stereotypical YA. Basically everything that a character could ever face in any book happens in this series now.
Yes, I understand there has to be a lot of drama and "thrills" but it's the other parts that bug me. Stunning, had many of these weird, far fetched aspects. For example, cross dressing? This is not a big giveaway and not a big character, so don't worry, I'm not spoiling it for you. How many teenagers actually know someone who likes to cross dress? I know some people do but with everything else these girls face I found this to bug me.
I'm not saying this a bad series at all. I love this series. I purchase every book in hardback. I started this series years ago and these are still the same characters I fell in love with. I just think it could have remained one of the best series I have read had it stopped at book 8.
Saturday, July 21, 2012
Megan is Missing
I never post about movies, this is a BOOK review blog. After watching Megan is Missing I had to post. I never heard about this movie before I found it when looking through movies on Netflix. I decided it sounded decent so my husband and I settled in to watch it. We watched it 2 weeks ago and it is still with me, making me feel the need to make this post. Let me warn you before you continue on... This is a VERY adult movie.
This movie is about two best friends. They are barely teenagers (13 and 14 years old). They do things I pray that my little sister doesn't even know exists. On top of the drugs, drinking and sex, Megan starts to talk to a stranger online. She agree's to meet him. The title is a dead giveaway for what happens next.
The content in this movie is very graphic. There is one picture that I cannot get out of my mind. The story is told through pictures and "homemade" video clips. You see news crews and you see web cam chats. In both of these sources you will find content that shakes you. The last 20 minutes will tighten your stomach and keep you thinking.
I'm not here to review this movie but I do want to draw your attention to it. It is a must see for young women and parents alike. People think online predators exist on tv and it would never happen in real life. In truth it could happen to your next door neighbor. When I was young I was tormented by a predator. He took a picture of me from my profile and made it his profile pic. He messaged me on a regular basis, very graphic messages. I was too scared of getting in trouble to tell my parents. What finally did it for me was when he told me he knew where I lived and then names the town and state. So don't just watch this movie, use it. Educate those around you. It is a important movie.
IMDb: here.
A great review: Day of the Woman
Trailer: here.
But it: amazon
This movie is about two best friends. They are barely teenagers (13 and 14 years old). They do things I pray that my little sister doesn't even know exists. On top of the drugs, drinking and sex, Megan starts to talk to a stranger online. She agree's to meet him. The title is a dead giveaway for what happens next.
The content in this movie is very graphic. There is one picture that I cannot get out of my mind. The story is told through pictures and "homemade" video clips. You see news crews and you see web cam chats. In both of these sources you will find content that shakes you. The last 20 minutes will tighten your stomach and keep you thinking.
I'm not here to review this movie but I do want to draw your attention to it. It is a must see for young women and parents alike. People think online predators exist on tv and it would never happen in real life. In truth it could happen to your next door neighbor. When I was young I was tormented by a predator. He took a picture of me from my profile and made it his profile pic. He messaged me on a regular basis, very graphic messages. I was too scared of getting in trouble to tell my parents. What finally did it for me was when he told me he knew where I lived and then names the town and state. So don't just watch this movie, use it. Educate those around you. It is a important movie.
IMDb: here.
A great review: Day of the Woman
Trailer: here.
But it: amazon
Friday, July 20, 2012
Go Out and Play
Go Out and Play
From the publisher
Go outside and play! Here, at your fingertips, are how to's for more than seventy best-loved games, all set to spread the fun of active play to kids of all ages.
Do you know how to draw a hopscotch grid? What’s the silliest challenge in the game of sardines? How do you keep from being "out" in SPUD? Is there any way to escape the blob? This lively, infectious guide to games runs the gamut from classic to contemporary: kick the can, freeze tag, blindman’s bluff, red light green light, four square, duck duck goose, and so many more. It’s all sparked by KaBOOM!, a nonprofit with a passion for creating outdoor play spaces nationally and around the world.
For KaBOOM!, play is serious business! So this guide also includes tips for adults on how to encourage and facilitate outdoor play as well as a wealth of resources on how to help create more play spaces in your own community.
My thoughts:
This is not really a book I can review but I would love to draw some attention to it. I found it to be a wonderful book for anyone who spends time with kids. I use to be a nanny and this would have been a great place to get new ideas for the boys. You can escape from the same game of hide and seek and try a new version of the game. Most of the games are ones you have heard of before but forget when it is time to play.
I suggest all parents, nannies and babysitters pick up a copy of this one.
Thursday, July 19, 2012
House on Plunkett Street
House on Plunkett Street
Lorena Bathey
Lorena B. Books
May 4th, 2012
Phoebe Bertram is boring, bland, and unexciting. She works a job that is inadequate of her abilities. She has a boyfriend that is a dud. She is on the treadmill of her life and doesn't know how to get off. With changes in her job and her apartment going condo, she must find a new place to live. Her friend Meghan brings her to the perfect apartment and the moment Phoebe steps in the door she knows there is something atypical about this perspective residence. What she never expects are the three ghosts that arrive on her couch to teach her how life is really meant to be lived.
My Thoughts:
From the start this was a very good book. My biggest worry with books that have not been published with big name companies is how well they are actually edited. I hear this fear from many other reviewers as well.This one was remarkably done.
Phoebe could be your best friend or neighbor. She was so easy to connect with, it added so much to the story. She portrayed a typical woman in this day and age. She is stuck in a life that just doesn't meet her desires. When big changes are thrown at her it is just what she needs.
The plot was easy to follow and didn't leave anything untouched. I was able to sit back and just enjoy myself as I read this book. I felt that the story ended in a great spot. It was upbeat and quirky. All in all, it was a great book, wrapped in a beautiful package
Phoebe could be your best friend or neighbor. She was so easy to connect with, it added so much to the story. She portrayed a typical woman in this day and age. She is stuck in a life that just doesn't meet her desires. When big changes are thrown at her it is just what she needs.
The plot was easy to follow and didn't leave anything untouched. I was able to sit back and just enjoy myself as I read this book. I felt that the story ended in a great spot. It was upbeat and quirky. All in all, it was a great book, wrapped in a beautiful package
I recommend this to adult readers.
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Wednesday Wishlist
If you are new to my blog, welcome! Wednesday Wishlist is a feature I started where I spotlight a book that is already released and why I want to read it. Lets show some older books love!
Jordan can't understand why he wants her, but she feels her resistance wearing down. After all, her life — once a broken record of boring parties, meaningless hookups, and friends she couldn't relate to — now consists of her drinking alone in her room as she waits for the sun to go down.
Michael needs to be invited in before he can enter. All Jordan has to do is say the words....
Why I want to read it:
Amanda Marrone
When rejection comes back to bite you...
Jordan's life sucks. Her boyfriend, Michael, dumped her, slept his way through half the student body, and then killed himself. But now, somehow, he appears at her window every night, begging her to let him in.Jordan can't understand why he wants her, but she feels her resistance wearing down. After all, her life — once a broken record of boring parties, meaningless hookups, and friends she couldn't relate to — now consists of her drinking alone in her room as she waits for the sun to go down.
Michael needs to be invited in before he can enter. All Jordan has to do is say the words....
Why I want to read it:
This sounds like a creepy book. I am craving a haunting story.
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Maisy at the Beach
Maisy at the Beach
Lucy Cousins
4/10/2012 (This edition)
Maisy and company have a full day of fun in Maisy at the Beach, collecting shells, building a sandcastle, and feasting on tasty snacks. Young readers join in the fun as they complete the scenes with more than 25 full-color, reusable stickers.
My Thoughts:
I rarely review picture books but this summer I have received a few spectacular children's books. This is a great book for early readers and would make a great addition to road trips. The stickers could keep little ones entertained for some time. I recommend this for kids 2-7.
Monday, July 16, 2012
Must Monday
If you are new to my blog, welcome. Must Monday is a feature where I post about a book that is not yet out and why I can't wait to read it.
But when Noah Hutchins, the smoking-hot, girl-using loner in the black leather jacket, explodes into her life with his tough attitude and surprising understanding, Echo's world shifts in ways she could never have imagined. They should have nothing in common. And with the secrets they both keep, being together is pretty much impossible.
Yet the crazy attraction between them refuses to go away. And Echo has to ask herself just how far they can push the limits and what she'll risk for the one guy who might teach her how to love again.
Pushing the Limits
Katie McGarry
No one knows what happened the night Echo Emerson went from popular girl with jock boyfriend to gossiped-about outsider with "freaky" scars on her arms. Even Echo can't remember the whole truth of that horrible night. All she knows is that she wants everything to go back to normal.
But when Noah Hutchins, the smoking-hot, girl-using loner in the black leather jacket, explodes into her life with his tough attitude and surprising understanding, Echo's world shifts in ways she could never have imagined. They should have nothing in common. And with the secrets they both keep, being together is pretty much impossible.
Yet the crazy attraction between them refuses to go away. And Echo has to ask herself just how far they can push the limits and what she'll risk for the one guy who might teach her how to love again.
Why I want to read it:
This sounds very unique. I like books that take you full circle.
Friday, July 13, 2012
I'm on vacation
In case you have not noticed the last few days have contained no posts. I have left on a last minute trip and did not have time to set any posts. I will return Sunday or Monday! Have a great weekend!
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Wednesday Wishlist
If you are new to my blog, welcome! Wednesday Wishlist is a feature I started where I post about book that has already been released (sometimes it has been for years) and why I want to read it. Lets show some love for older books.
It started when she was served a soft drink laced with LSD in a dangerous party game. Within months, she was hooked, trapped in a downward spiral that took her from her comfortable home and loving family to the mean streets of an unforgiving city. It was a journey that would rob her of her innocence, her youth — and ultimately her life.
Read her diary.
Enter her world.
You will never forget her.
Go Ask Alice
January 24th
After you've had it, there isn't even life without drugs....It started when she was served a soft drink laced with LSD in a dangerous party game. Within months, she was hooked, trapped in a downward spiral that took her from her comfortable home and loving family to the mean streets of an unforgiving city. It was a journey that would rob her of her innocence, her youth — and ultimately her life.
Read her diary.
Enter her world.
You will never forget her.
Why I want to read it:
This book has been around for ages and I have never read it. I feel like I'm missing out. I usually like books that are like diaries so this sounds engaging.
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Watch Me (Lauren Barnholdt)

Watch Me
Lauren Barnholdt
Simon Pulse
She thinks she has nothing to hide…
Ally has everything under control. She’s about to move into a house full of strangers and have her life broadcast to the world, but as long as she still has her long-distance boyfriend, Corey, nothing can go wrong. Nothing, that is, until Ally starts spending time with her housemate Drew, the hot and sensitive guy who always seems to be around when she needs someone the most.As suspicions and lies start pulling Ally and Corey apart, she’s not sure if she can trust anyone, not even herself. Ally is about to learn the hard way that life is what happens when everyone is looking, and it doesn’t always capture her good side….
My Thoughts:
Characters 20/20
Plot 20/20
Setting 18/20
Cover 20/20
Ending 20/20
98% A
I got this book as a Christmas gift from my best friend a year ago. I was super excited to read it but because my review shelf takes priority I am just getting to it. It was so good, I can't wait to get my hands on another book by Lauren Barnholdt. From page 1 I was taken with this story. It was a delectable mix of romance, drama and even some comedy.
The characters in this story were just like the kids you probably went to high school with. You have the player, the guy that looks too good to be true, the mislabeled slut, the virgin and the girl next door. It was very easy to feel a connection and mingle with these characters because I felt like I have known them my whole life.
The plot could be considered typical to any book about reality tv at first glance. As you read further in to it you see so much more. Instead of just the tv aspect, your focus will fall many different directions. The romance is both cute and sexy at times. The drama reminds you that this is about reality TV. As the plot reached its end the story was at it's best. The end was adorable but a little predictable. I wouldn't have wanted it any other way.
I felt like the setting could have been described a little more. I would have liked to know what the house looked like a lot more than the brief mentions throughout. The campus was barely described at all. It did not take away that much from the book, it just could have been better.
I LOVE this cover. It is so cute. My eyes go straight to those red shoes. It made me not only want those shoes but want to read this book as well. I like that you can't see the faces so you can imagine the characters yourself.
I recommend this book to teens 13+.
Monday, July 9, 2012
Must Monday
If you are new to my blog, welcome! Must Monday is a feature I started where I post a book that has not been released yet that I am looking forward to reading.
But as Loann slips inside Claire’s world, she discovers that everything is not as it seems. Claire’s quest for perfection is all-consuming, and comes at a dangerous price. And Loann is frightened she could lose the sister she’s always idolized.
As Claire increasingly withdraws from friends and family, Loann struggles to understand her and make amends. Can she heal their relationship—and her sister—before it’s too late?
Why I want to read it:
This sounds like a great book about sister relationships.
Never Enough
Denise Jaden
7/10/2012 release
Loann’s always wanted to be popular and pretty like her sister, Claire. So when Claire’s ex-boyfriend starts flirting with her, Loann is willing to do whatever it takes to feel special…even if that means betraying her sister.But as Loann slips inside Claire’s world, she discovers that everything is not as it seems. Claire’s quest for perfection is all-consuming, and comes at a dangerous price. And Loann is frightened she could lose the sister she’s always idolized.
As Claire increasingly withdraws from friends and family, Loann struggles to understand her and make amends. Can she heal their relationship—and her sister—before it’s too late?
Why I want to read it:
This sounds like a great book about sister relationships.
Saturday, July 7, 2012
Bay of Foxes (Sheila Kohler)
Bay of Foxes
Sheila Kohler
June 26, 2012
In 1978, Dawit, a young, beautiful, and educated Ethiopian refugee, roams the streets of Paris. By chance, he spots the famous French author M., who at sixty is at the height of her fame. Seduced by Dawit's grace and his moving story, M. invites him to live with her. He makes himself indispensable, or so he thinks. When M. brings him to her Sardinian villa, beside the Bay of Foxes, Dawit finds love and temptation—and perfects the art of deception.
My Thoughts:
Characters 18/20
Plot 15/20
Setting 18/20
Cover 20/20
Ending 20/20
91% A
91% A
This book started off incredibly well. I was enjoying it from page one. As it went on it began to have some moments that were not so exciting. There were a few pages that I wanted to skip over. I'm not that kind of reader though, so I did not. That is the only reason I marked the plot down. The characters were well developed and once you got a little ways in to the book you began to like them, even if you didn't want to.
The setting was sometimes over-described and other times under-described. For the most part it was great. The ending was desirable and not how I had predicted it would come to a close. The writing was beautifully done and easy to enjoy. The cover is beautiful and sure to attract those who judge books by their cover.
I recommend this book to my adult readers. It is definitely worth your time!
Friday, July 6, 2012
Jealous of books?
No this is not a review. It is a post about something I keep thinking about while reading. So many books I have read recently have these amazing friendships in them and it has made me think about the friendships in my own life. Maybe it is not normal to be jealous of characters from a novel but then again I'm not really normal.
The friends in books are always together. They are there for each other when things are good AND bad. That is what I feel like friendship should be. I had a great group of friends through middle school but in high school it stopped. Now that I'm a married adult I feel like it is even worse.
The friendships I see more and more of are the ones where people want to be involved in the drama when times are bad. Yes being there for your friend when she gets diagnosed with cancer is wonderful but what about the friend that just got married? Wouldn't it be just as important to show up for her wedding or even her bridal shower? A friendship is not calling someone every 3 months or so when nothing better is going on. Friends are there for each other often, even if all they have time for is a quick "thinking of you" text.
Since I have realized I am jealous of the friendships I find in books it has got me wondering what others are jealous of. So this brings me to my question. Have you ever been jealous of something or someone from a book? Comment below!
The friends in books are always together. They are there for each other when things are good AND bad. That is what I feel like friendship should be. I had a great group of friends through middle school but in high school it stopped. Now that I'm a married adult I feel like it is even worse.
The friendships I see more and more of are the ones where people want to be involved in the drama when times are bad. Yes being there for your friend when she gets diagnosed with cancer is wonderful but what about the friend that just got married? Wouldn't it be just as important to show up for her wedding or even her bridal shower? A friendship is not calling someone every 3 months or so when nothing better is going on. Friends are there for each other often, even if all they have time for is a quick "thinking of you" text.
Since I have realized I am jealous of the friendships I find in books it has got me wondering what others are jealous of. So this brings me to my question. Have you ever been jealous of something or someone from a book? Comment below!
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Bent Road (Lori Roy)
Bent Road
Lori Roy
For twenty years, Celia Scott has watched her husband, Arthur, hide from the secrets surrounding his sister Eve's death. But when the 1967 Detroit riots frighten him even more than his Kansas past, he convinces Celia to pack up their family and return to the road he grew up on, Bent Road, and the same small town where Eve mysteriously died. And then a local girl disappears, catapulting the family headlong into a dead man's curve. . . .
On Bent Road, a battered red truck cruises ominously along the prairie; a lonely little girl dresses in her dead aunt's clothes; a boy hefts his father's rifle in search of a target; and a mother realizes she no longer knows how to protect her children. It is a place where people learn: Sometimes killing is the kindest way.
My thoughts:
Characters 15/20
Plot 15/20
Plot 15/20
Setting 15/20
Cover 20/20
Ending 20/20
85% B
Reading the synopsis really made me want to read this book. I has very high expectations and I was a little disappointed with the way the story started. It took me a little too long to get into it so I felt we started on the wrong foot. The biggest reason it took me so long to get into the story was the characters. I did not feel an instant connection with them, which I find to be important. Once I got in I started to like them more but it was never a great connection.
I love the cover of this book. It is very ominous and draws someone in. I felt like it really fit the story. The ending was unexpected and how I felt it should end. There wasn't any problems through the last few chapters.
I recommend this book to adult readers who don't mind a slow start. The story does pick up and get very good!
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Wednesday Wishlist
If you are new let me fill you in. Wednesday Wishlist is a post I do every Wednesday about a book that is already out (and may have been out for years) that I have never read but would really like to. I give you a synopsis and explain why I want to read it. I like to show love to older books every now and then!

A Match Made in High School
Kristin Walker
When the principal announces that every senior must participate in a mandatory year-long Marriage Education program, Fiona Sheehan believes that her life can't get any worse. Then she marries her husband: jerky jock Todd, whose cheerleader girlfriend, Amanda, has had it in for Fiona since day one of second grade. Even worse? Amanda is paired with Fiona's long-term crush, Gabe. At least Fiona is doing better than her best friend, Marcie, who is paired up with the very quiet, very mysterious Johnny Mercer.
Pranks, fights, misunderstandings, and reconciliations ensue in an almost Shakespearean comedy of errors about mistaken first impressions, convoluted coupling, and hidden crushes.
Why I want to read it:
This sounds like a unique book. I also think it would be a great idea to do in real high school's. I am a young married and my friends either think we play house and it is easy or that we are crazy. This sounds like a fun experience.
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
When You Were Mine (Rebecca Serle)
When You Were Mine
Rebecca Serle
Simon Pulse
What’s in a name, Shakespeare? I’ll tell you: Everything.
Rosaline knows that she and Rob are destined to be together. Rose has been waiting for years for Rob to kiss her—and when he finally does, it’s perfect. But then Juliet moves back to town. Juliet, who used to be Rose’s best friend. Juliet, who now inexplicably hates her. Juliet, who is gorgeous, vindictive, and a little bit crazy...and who has set her sights on Rob. He doesn’t even stand a chance.
Rose is devastated over losing Rob to Juliet. This is not how the story was supposed to go. And when rumors start swirling about Juliet’s instability, her neediness, and her threats of suicide, Rose starts to fear not only for Rob’s heart, but also for his life. Because Shakespeare may have gotten the story wrong, but we all still know how it ends….
My thoughts:
Characters 20/20
Plot 15/20
Setting 20/20
Cover 20/20
Ending 20/20
95% A
I hadn't been sent many YA books to review in a while. As you can tell I have been reviewing a lot of adult. When I received this one I was ecstatic. There is just something special about YA that adult can never compare too. So the fact that this was YA started me off on the right food.
I was lucky enough to never read Romeo and Juliet in high school. I have never been a huge Shakespeare fan. I do know the story though and retellings of his work are usually fun. I was not disappointed with this at all. The characters were very well developed. At one point I had to stop and ask myself why I was getting so attached and remind myself that I am in fact not Rosaline. Cheesy as that sounds it is true. The characters were also incredibly diverse and did not fit cookie cutter teen stereotypes. I enjoyed the plot, I just felt like it took a little too long to get the main story going. Other than that I have no complaints.
The setting for this book was Cali. I can't help but love any book set there. Maybe it's because I'm from Oregon and never get to see that sunshine they describe? The cover is simple, yet cute. It expresses the nervousness and desire before a first kiss. As for the ending, wow! I guess I should have expected what happened to happen (don't worry, no spoilers) but I was too engrossed in the story to even think about what was to come.
I recommend this book to teens who like drama and romance in their books.
*Compliments of the publisher.
Monday, July 2, 2012
Must Monday
If your new to my blog let me fill you in. Must Monday is a post where I feature a book that has yet to be released that I want to read. I give you the synopsis and explain why I want to read it.
Which is why, on Lexi’s eighteenth birthday, her ever-absent, tycoon father decides to take a more proactive approach to her wayward life. Every week for the next year, she will have to take on a different low-wage job if she ever wants to receive her beloved trust fund. But if there’s anything worse than working as a maid, a dishwasher, and a fast-food restaurant employee, it’s dealing with Luke, the arrogant, albeit moderately attractive, college intern her father has assigned to keep tabs on her.
Why I want to read it:
The main thing that made me attracted to this book is the word heiress. There is usually so much drama that surrounds books like this. It makes for a nice escape from my reality. It is easy to slip into another world like this and feel instantly lost. Basically, it makes for a nice chage.
52 Reasons to Hate My Father
Jessica Brody
Farrar, Straus and Giroux
Being America’s favorite heiress is a dirty job…but someone’s gotta do it.
Lexington Larrabee has never had to work a day in her life. After all, she’s the heiress to the multi-billion-dollar Larrabee Media empire. And heiresses are not supposed to work. But then again, they’re not supposed to crash brand-new Mercedes convertibles into convenience stores on Sunset Boulevard either.Which is why, on Lexi’s eighteenth birthday, her ever-absent, tycoon father decides to take a more proactive approach to her wayward life. Every week for the next year, she will have to take on a different low-wage job if she ever wants to receive her beloved trust fund. But if there’s anything worse than working as a maid, a dishwasher, and a fast-food restaurant employee, it’s dealing with Luke, the arrogant, albeit moderately attractive, college intern her father has assigned to keep tabs on her.
Why I want to read it:
The main thing that made me attracted to this book is the word heiress. There is usually so much drama that surrounds books like this. It makes for a nice escape from my reality. It is easy to slip into another world like this and feel instantly lost. Basically, it makes for a nice chage.
On sale tomorrow!
Sunday, July 1, 2012
A few people have asked for wedding pictures. I try to keep my personal posts to a minimum but since this was such a big deal I decided to post a few picture. I was married March 17th to my best friend. His name is Mackenzie and he is amazing! Enjoy the pictures :)
My Hubby and I
Opening gifts
The big event
My parents and I. I am blessed with looking young genes. You would never guess how old they are.
My little sister and I.
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