Saturday, July 21, 2012

Megan is Missing

     I never post about movies, this is a BOOK review blog. After watching Megan is Missing I had to post. I never heard about this movie before I found it when looking through movies on Netflix. I decided it sounded decent so my husband and I settled in to watch it. We watched it 2 weeks ago and it is still with me, making me feel the need to make this post. Let me warn you before you continue on... This is a VERY adult movie.

Megan Is Missing Poster

    This movie is about two best friends. They are barely teenagers (13 and 14 years old). They do things I pray that my little sister doesn't even know exists. On top of the drugs, drinking and sex, Megan starts to talk to a stranger online. She agree's to meet him. The title is a dead giveaway for what happens next.

    The content in this movie is very graphic. There is one picture that I cannot get out of my mind. The story is told through pictures and "homemade" video clips. You see news crews and you see web cam chats. In both of these sources you will find content that shakes you. The last 20 minutes will tighten your stomach and keep you thinking.

    I'm not here to review this movie but I do want to draw your attention to it. It is a must see for young women and parents alike. People think online predators exist on tv and it would never happen in real life. In truth it could happen to your next door neighbor. When I was young I was tormented by a predator. He took a picture of me from my profile and made it his profile pic. He messaged me on a regular basis, very graphic messages. I was too scared of getting in trouble to tell my parents. What finally did it for me was when he told me he knew where I lived and then names the town and state. So don't just watch this movie, use it. Educate those around you. It is a important movie.

IMDb: here.
A great review: Day of the Woman
Trailer: here.
But it: amazon

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