Saturday, October 31, 2009
HUGE Contest
The goods:
Bad Girls Club
Across the Pond
Spanish Holiday
Ripped at the Seams
Thanksgiving at the Inn
The Tear Collector
Simply Irresistible
In a Heartbeat
Prophecy of Sisters Audio book
How to win:
This is NOT a ransom contest. You need to come up with the coolest Halloween Costume to win. There are about 6 judges at this time. What you need to do is tell us your cool costume idea in the comments and then list five of the books you really want in the order you want them.
The First Prize winner gets their top 3 book choices.
Second Prize: 2 of your book choices
3rd prize: A book from your list and a bookmark
4th: a book from your list and a bookmark
5-8: a book that is left. You can decline if you dont like the options left
Ready, set... ENTER!
Friday, October 30, 2009
If you would like to be interviewed please comment with your email.
1. Who is your favorite author and why?
This is a terribly hard question to answer, but I'll go on a limb. All authors who write paranormal are my absolutely favorite. Kind of mean, but hey favorite genre equals a favorite authors, eh?
2. What has been your favorite school assigned book? Why?
Actually, just last year I read a book for school that I just loved. The Awakening by Kate Chopin, it's a classic! Which is really unusual for me.
3. Are there any bloggers that really inspire you?
All bloggers, (: Through each and every one I see, it shows me what I can add to my blog and just how to love books. And sometimes that's a whole array of things.
4. What is your goal with your blog?
My goal for my blog would be just having more people see my reviews and just my blog. It sounds silly, but I want people to see what I think about books and such. It's really just for fun anyways.
5. As a child what book did you love?
Hm, I'm guessing it had to be The Amelia Bedlia series. I read every book in my elementary school's library so many times. Do you remember those? I do! I use to borrow my friends all the time!!! :)
6. Where did your love of reading come from?
I'm not sure, actually. If you would get this, I've always loved reading but my friends sort of found it lame so I stopped loving it. Ah, the peer pressure those days. But now I could care less now and my love for books and reading is totally visible (:
7. Do you want to write a book? If so whats it about?
Ooh, I love writing. I have written so many beginnings of books, I have a whole folder filled. But I decided to settle down, ha, with just working on one. It's about this girl, named Harley, who has horrible nightmares. One day this "ghost" (she doesn't know it) pops up after the worse dream she had yet and she finds out she's something totally un-realistic. The thing is she has to deal with being a teenager all the while. Not as confusing as it sounds, I should have said what she is, but nah (: Aw holding back on us??? :)
8. Anything unique about you or your blog?
There is just one thing that makes my blog unique, or at least I like to think. Every once and awhile I post about songs that I love right then and there. It's always posted at night so it's called Nighttime's Darling Songs. It's not really a meme, but it's a definite feature with my blog. Other than that, I'm normal when it comes to blogging (:
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Gossip Girl Season 2
Claims to Fame: Leighton Meester and Blake Lively
Grade: A
Rating: TV-14
It's senior year for our beloved Upper East Siders, and the drama is at an all-time high. Applying for college is only one small part of the story, as new romances (and some not-so-new romances) bloom and fade, scandals erupt at every turn and alliances shift even faster than Gossip Girl can send an update. Families and reputations are destroyed and made; so are fortunes. And even the strongest friendships are tested. In this sizzling 25-episode, 7-disc Season Two, you never know what's next for Serena, Blair, Dan, Nate, Jenny, Chuck and Vanessa. Good thing Gossip Girl is always there to provide us with the latest, juiciest info!
Title: 5/5
I love how the title is the same as the book. It wouldn’t have gotten as much publicity and would have been strange if they changed the title for this tv series.
Cover: 4/5
The art on the second season cover was even better then the first! I loved how glamorous all the pictures were. What bugged me was the one picture where Jenny and Dan appear to be snuggling. Too close for comfort guys!
Plot: 5/5
The plot thickens in this second season. There is more to be discovered as many secrets begin to unravel. The final episode leaves you wanting more! Good thing I waited till recently to start watching Gossip Girl. I don’t know how I would have waited so long for season three!
Acting: 5/5
The acting in the show is superb! I couldn’t think of better people to play the parts then those who were casted. I feel like I’m actually watching someone’s real life, not a scripted TV show.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Umbrella Summer
Author: Lisa Graff
Publisher: HarperCollins
Price: $15.99
Release: June 2nd 2009
Grade: A
Rating: 8+
Annie Richards knows there are a million things to look out for—bicycle accidents, food poisoning, chicken pox, smallpox, typhoid fever, runaway zoo animals, and poison oak. That's why being careful is so important, even if it does mean giving up some of her favorite things, like bike races with her best friend, Rebecca, and hot dogs on the Fourth of July. Everyone keeps telling Annie not to worry so much, that she's just fine. But they thought her brother, Jared, was just fine too, and Jared died.
It takes a new neighbor, who looks as plain as a box of toothpicks but has some surprising secrets of her own, to make Annie realize that her plans for being careful aren't working out as well as she had hoped. And with a lot of help from those around her—and a book about a pig, too—Annie just may find a way to close her umbrella of sadness and step back into the sunshine.
My Thoughts:
First off I would like to say look at this cover. This is the most adorable cover in the history of covers! I want a polka dot umbrella and pink boots now! Next I would like to say ADORABLE! I know many of my readers are teens and probably wouldn’t buy this book for themselves but many of you have little sisters, a few of you are moms! Go buy this book now! Not only is it super cute the message was amazing. Even if your child/little sister is not ready for a chapter book buy it! You can read it to them. There were so many important messages that should not be missed.
Annie was adorable, think Junie B. Jones but a lot less annoying and with better grammar. You will experience loss and love in this novel. It handles all these issues in an age appropriate way.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Jane in Bloom
Title: Jane in Bloom
Author: Deborah Lytton
Publisher: Dutton
Price: $16.99 USD HB
Release: March 19th 2009
Grade: A+
Rating: 12+
On Jane's 12th birthday, her older sister is hospitalized, and Jane is swept into a series of painful events that swirl around beautiful, smart, and popular Lizzie, ensnaring the entire family. Her problem manifests itself as an eating disorder but ends with her death, possibly a suicide. Jane's narration reveals how she and her parents handle Lizzie's death, with each of them coming to grips with her actions first individually and with anger, and then together. Jane begins to rebuild her life when she's cared for by an understanding woman when her mother, unable to cope, leaves to visit her parents and her father has a business trip. She gets a puppy, learns to focus through a camera lens, and befriends a boy who has also suffered loss.
My thoughts:
As some of you may know I have a 12 year old sister and am about to turn 16, so there is one way this story hit me close to home. There was also a time rather recently when we became concerned because my sister stopped eating. She went on a trip to stay with my aunt, where she didn’t eat for 2 days straight. Another way that it hit home.
I love the way Deborah attacked this issue. Its very important that people see the way death and eating disorders effect the siblings left behind as well. When she stopped eating everyone flocked to help her yet nobody thought to see how I was. I was hidden inside wishing I had done something. I am the blonde, 5’3”, 105 pound sister. She’s the redheaded, 5’2” and more pounds. I was constantly talking about my body and wishing I had bigger this or that which I’m sure contributed to her wishing she was smaller. It cant be fun to be the 12 year old who wears a size 3 when your 15 year old sister is a 0. But anyways once she stopped eating I felt like I should have done something as does Jane. I felt so connected to Jane even with her as the younger sister.
The relationship between the sisters made me weep. I wish my sister and I had that. Deborah actually has inspired me to work harder for that. She made me realize that I wouldn’t be okay without my sister even though we have our fights.
I think every sister needs to read this book. If the sister is 12 or the sister is 62 they should read it. Buy it. NOW
FTC: I received this novel from the publisher before December 1st 2009.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Interview with a blogger, or 3
1. When and why did you start blogging?
I have been blogging since Livejournal started, actually. Yep, I'm that "old." But most of what I blogged was personal stuff. I started this blog with Jen and Kim in late April.
Why? Well, we thought it would be a fun experiment to blog as three different voices, backgrounds, and experiences. We had all finished library school and were starting jobs, so it was a good way to sort of share our thoughts and ideas with a wider audience.
2. What is your favorite book?
For our first intro posts on the blog, we shared our favorites. My post is:
3. What book should have never been made to a movie but has been?
I'm going to be honest and say I'm worried about "The Hunger Games" and "If I Stay" becoming films. They're cerebral and it's going to be hard to make them as powerful on screen as they are on paper.
4. Where should a line be drawn between YA and Adult books?
I don't believe there has to be. I recently wrote about David Small's book "Stitches" which has gotten a lot of talk about this particular issue. I think we do it for convenience, the line drawing. In a library, we do want to make sure we have the line so it's easy to direct people one place or another. But generally, I think it's up to the reader to decide what they want to read with the guidance of those who know the literature and their knowledge of interests, ability, etc.
5. What book is your favorite that is currently banned?
I'm not sure there are any really "banned" books anymore. I think there are many books challenged, but fortunately, we live in a country where we can read anything we want whenever we want. Even if a particular place challenges or removes a title from the shelf, you can still get it pretty readily. I'll be honest in saying that while I'd read a couple of Ellen Hopkins's titles before the challenges in Oklahoma, after hearing her talk about it passionately at the Anderson's YA Literature conference, I picked up and am working through 3 more of her books. Not sure they're favorites but they're definitely important reads.
6. Have you met any authors? Who?
Tons! It all began with Ann M. Martin -- you know, of Babysitter's Club fame. I met her when I was in second grade. I got to leave school early for it and everything. More recently, I met Ellen Hopkins, Claire Zulkey, Libba Bray, and ate lunch with Michelle Zink. I met Bill Clinton when he released his most recent title. Oh, and my favorite? Mark Doty. I not only got to meet him, but I got to eat lunch with him and interview him briefly. That is one funny and inspiring writer.
7. Do you want to attend BEA this year? Do you think you will?
Kim and I are planning on it.
8. What is unique to your writing style?
I believe that even if I hate a book -- something I'm not afraid to share if I do! -- someone will like it. Every book has a reader, and I think that my style and the style of my collaborators reflects our knowledge and understanding of that. We try to get to the heart of who would dig the book. We don't do ratings because that defeats the idea. Rather, we reflect on what made it a successful or unsuccessful book for us personally, then we like to think further about who it works for. This is so evident in our round robin reviews for "Genesis" by Bernard Beckett and "Evolution of Calpurnia Tate" by Jacqueline Kelly. Three minds, three opinions, but three ways to "sell" the book to the right readers.
1. When and why did you start blogging?
Kelly floated the idea for a collaborative blog, and I jumped on it. Since I left school (I was an English major), I’ve missed talking and writing about books with people on a daily basis. This has been a great solution. We started blogging in April of this year.
2. What is your favorite book?
I can’t pick one, but I can pick a series – His Dark Materials trilogy, by Philip Pullman. These books are beautifully written, tell an exciting and unique story, and communicate such a valuable and important message for readers of all ages. They hold very strong personal meaning for me. Incidentally, the first posts on our blog are about our favorite books (we could only narrow it down to three each)!
3. What book should have never been made to a movie but has been?
That is a tough one. I can’t think of one right off the bat, but a bad book is probably going to make a bad movie too. Ella Enchanted is a wonderful book that could have been turned into a wonderful movie, but it wasn’t. Too bad.
4. Where should a line be drawn between YA and Adult books?
I don’t think a whole lot of people will agree with me, but I don’t really think there should be much of a line. If a book appeals to young adults, it’s young adult. I grew up reading whatever I liked, and it included books with tons of swearing, graphic sex and violence, and very “adult” themes. It didn’t adversely affect me – it challenged me and helped me grow. It contributed to me having a mind of my own. I think adults who are so worried about kids reading “up” or about the graphic nature of some YA books need to relax. Some books are going to be too difficult for teens to read, but many teens read at an adult level, so who’s to say what is YA and what isn’t?
5. What book is your favorite that is currently banned?
Pullman’s books are constantly being challenged. It’s increased his book sales.
6. Have you met any authors? Who?
I have, but I doubt they would remember me! I’ve met quite a few at the Texas Book Festival, including Joan Lowery Nixon, TA Barron, and Shannon Hale. Ms. Hale was so wonderful in person, it made me love her books even more. She told me that I looked familiar, and therefore we must have known each other in a past life. Clearly, she is the most awesome author I’ve ever spoken to for two minutes straight, even if she does say that to everyone who asks her to sign a book.
7. Do you want to attend BEA this year? Do you think you will?
I always want to, but I never do.
8. What is unique to your writing style?
I don’t know if my blogging style is particularly unique. I try to keep it pretty conversational, because that’s what I like in blogs I read. Sometimes I try to inject some humor, but I don’t know if that always works! (I’m also an aspiring novelist – who isn’t? – and my narrative writing style is, of course, absolutely stunningly amazing. So amazing that I don’t allow it to be seen by others, it would knock them out.)
1. I started blogging in November of 2001. I was a freshman in college, and all of my friends were bandying around this strange word "blog." Always attracted to the latest technology trends, I read a few blogs of my friends regularly. After a couple of months, I decided to start my first - a personal site that I kept updating until 2007. I've added entries to many other blogs over time - some for classes and others for smaller personal projects. Stacked would be my first professional collaborative website where I've been able to contribute on a regular basis.
2. Most frequently used book would be the more appropriate description - my copy of the Barefoot Contessa Parties! is splotched with stains, battered, and well-loved. This is the book that I've reached for the most out of any of my collection. I think that qualifies it as my favorite.
3. I don't believe there is a book that can't be made into a movie. There are terrible film adaptations, definitely. But is there a book that is inherently unfilmable? I can't think of one.
4. Why draw lines?
Adults reach for YA books just as often as young adults reach for adult fiction. I suppose the only reason to have any differentiation would deal with physical placement in a space. I'm more of a believer in gray areas and cross-promotion. The same goes for the distinctions between children's/tween/teen books.
5. I don't know about currently banned. But as for books that have been frequently challenged? I'm partial to Atticus and Scout Finch of To Kill a Mockingbird.
6. I have, but not very many. I prefer to read the work of authors rather than hear them speak. Most memorable was Geraldine Brooks; I was so impressed that I went out and read every single one of her historical fiction novels.
7. I will not be attending BEA this year, even though I would be interested. My system gives very little time or incentive for attending professional conferences, so it would all be on my own dime.
8. Very little is unique about my writing style! I never claimed to be a writer - I'm an enthusiastic reader who attempts to communicate at a basic level. Hopefully people can connect.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
It's Not You, Its me
Title: It’s Not You, It’s me
Author: Kerry Cohen Hoffmann
Publisher: Delacorte Press
Price: $15.99 USD
Release: June 9th 2009
Grade: C
Rating: 13+
Summary: (Amazon.Com)
Funny and touching—this is a heartfelt breakup story.Zoe loves Henry.Henry dumps Zoe.Zoe wants Henry back—at any cost.Zoe’s two best friends come up with a plan to help Zoe get what she thinks she wants. The plan: make Henry jealous.But the plan takes a surprising turn. . . .Spanning thirty-one days in the cycle of a breakup, Kerry Cohen Hoffmann’s humorous and poignant novel depicts a girl whose single-minded focus on her ex-boyfriend has pulled her far from the person she most needs to win back—herself.
My Thoughts:
I had read another book by Kerry Cohen Hoffmann called Easy and LOVED it. Needless to say I was super excited about the release of this novel. There were many strong points but it was also weighed with negatives as well.
I shall start with the positives. The break-up was incredibly real as was the start of the grieving process. I myself had battled a break-up in the past few months and I could totally relate to the first 13ish days.
As for the negatives, I had a few strong opinions. The way the book was written just bugged me to no end. The word choice and all was great but it was written in a mix of first/third person. At times it felt as if it was like me saying, “Ashley is typing a review.” That just bothers me. Also the girl was a bit too desperate which pissed me off. I have never ever seen someone go to such strong measures so far into a break up.
If you have just had a breakup go buy it. If not wait for paperback…
FTC: I received this book from the publishers before December 1st 2009
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Interview with a Blogger
What is your favorite genre? Why?
This is a hard one, because I love ALL genre. This year I have totally been into YA and Fantasy, and I'm addicted!
Give us 3 sentences about you.
I'm 29 and currently living in Scotland with my husband.
I have 4 sister NO brothers!
I use to work on cruise lines cruising the Caribbean for 2 years! Best job Ever!!
Do you ever compare characters to your real life friends?
I compare all characters to myself. It is why I like reading so much, it's like I get to live another life!
When you read do you get so into it that you feel like you’re the main character?
Do you fall for the bad boys in books or the good ones?
I'm always falling for the good ones. I can't help it. I love the good boys!!
What author inspires you not only with writing but in life as well?
Shannon Hale. I LOVE her books and she is such a fun person. She is an inspiration to others with the way she lives her life.
Complete this sentence… If I were a character in a book I would?
...hope it's The Hunger Games Trilogy!
What 5 books would you save in case of a fire?
The Hunger Games, Catching Fire, Ella Enchanted, Persuasion, and The Undomestic Goddess
Thanks for asking me for the interview! This has been fun!
Friday, October 23, 2009
Author: Lucy Christopher
Publisher: Chicken House
Price: €6.99 Paperback
Release: May 1st 2010 in the US
Grade: C
Rating: 13+
Summary: (Amazon)
Gemma, 16, is on layover at Bangkok Airport, en route with her parents to a vacation in Vietnam. She steps away for just a second, to get a cup of coffee. Ty--rugged, tan, too old, oddly familiar--pays for Gemma's drink. And drugs it. They talk. Their hands touch. And before Gemma knows what's happening, Ty takes her. Steals her away. The unknowing object of a long obsession, Gemma has been kidnapped by her stalker and brought to the desolate Australian Outback.
My thoughts:
When I first received a copy of this novel I was ecstatic! The plot of this novel really appealed to me. After completing it I feel I need to say that it did not meet my expectations. There were too many holes left open for too long. It started to get annoying. I don’t like having the plot start to thrive and then having all amusing aspects disappear for a good amount of time.
The characters in this novel were great though. They were well developed and easy to understand. You were able to have emotions towards the characters because of that. Gemma was well likeable and at times you felt horid for her. Ty was also kind of likeable in a strange way.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Confessions of a Shopaholic
Claim to Fame: Isla Fisher
Grade: A
Rating: PG
Fall in love with the adorable Becky Bloomwood (Isla Fisher) in the hilarious romantic comedy Confessions Of A Shopaholic. Becky s desperate for a job writing for a high-fashion magazine in glamorous New York. She gets her stilettos in the door writing a personal finance column at a sister publication. Much to her surprise, her column, The Girl In The Green Scarf, becomes a hit, and she falls head over high heels for her handsome, overworked boss (Hugh Dancy). But Becky has a secret that leads to some hilarious high jinks that could unravel it all.
Title: 5/5
The title is super amazing. Who doesn’t want to see a movie with a title like that? I am happy that they kept it the same as the book or it would have ruined it for me. Changes that big should not be made.
Cover: 5/5
The cover is gorgeous and fits the movie perfectly! It showed us many insights into the movie and made me even more intrigued. You cant judge a book by its cover, but a movie…
Plot: 5/5
The plot was fantastic. It was so very unique. I have never seen a movie about a shopaholic before and the book was great. It was a tad annoying how they changed some major aspects though.
Acting: 4/5
The acting in the movie was good but a few parts could have been better. I didn’t like the way the roommate was portrayed but it was okay. I would have kept the same actress but shown her differently, with different lines.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Wednesday Wishlist
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Blogger Interview
1. Give me one sentence to describe your blog.
Hmm... one sentence.... how about: YA Book Reviews? I have no idea, I'm really horrible at summary type things!
2.What is your favorite book cover? Why?
Hmm.. What's with the hard questions yo? Actually this one is really really easy: Bad Girls Don't Die by Katie Alender. The cover, and really the whole jacket is absolutely perfect, from the photo to the colors, the brown with the pink, and then the dotted detail on the cover/back and the inside flaps. The fonts, everything is absolutely perfect about it!
3. What makes the best book reading snack? Beverage?
I actually do not snack/drink while reading. If I got something on one of my books, or even bend a page just a little I get so upset! Not depressed, but I get angry, I just spend $X amount of money on this book and then I go and ruin it! I think it's a complex from when I was a kid and my parents told me I could keep anything in good condition haha I do with books, they're like little masterpieces to me and you wouldn't dare get Dorito residue on the Mona Lisa, right?!
4. What is your favorite nonbook or writing related activity?
I would probably have to say, either designing, or gaming. Designing is my job, but I do it because I love to do it, so it's fun as well. Gaming, I usually do by myself so if I mess up or have to redo something there's no stress on me since I'm the only one I'm trying to please!
5. Out of any book you have read what character would you want to be your BFF? Why?
Oh wow, umm...Actually this one is really easy, I would have to say Georgia Nicolson (from the Confessions of Georgia Nicolson by Louise Rennison), she's a bit daft and really hard on her friends sometimes, but she's insanely hilarious, and seems to be surrounded by lots of Sex & Luuuuurve Gods :)
6.Why YA books?
Because! They're fun! I mean, I haven't read too many 'older' books but I don't think most of them have dragons and faeries in them! Plus kids most of the time are still growing and learning who they are and it's better to take the trip with them growing up and coming into their own, than it is over older adults who are just sexually repressed. Because seriously? That's usually the main issue in adult books, right? But simply: YA books are usually more imaginative, creative, and funner :)
7. Who is your favorite “scary book” author? Favorite book by them?
This one is an absolute given, because I don't think anyone else has ever or will ever do horror better than Stephen King. Yes there are people who come close, and people who are amazingly good writers, but if you take a look at the sheer ideas of some of King's novels the fact that he even came up with some of the creepy stuff he comes up with is amazing. Me and my mom like to say that he is incredibly talented, and an incredible writer, but that we wouldn't want to be stuck in one of his novels. We're too young to die. Or be scarred for the rest of our lives. And as for favourite book by him, this is really weird, because my favourite Stephen King book isn't a scary one! I would have to say def hands down it would be The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon! (Although I really also love Christine!)
8. Complete this sentence: If I wrote a book it would be about…
lots of things! Seriously, I am writing a book right now, and it's about ghosts. But I have another one, and it's about Faeries, and wait! There's another one about a haunted Widow's Watch, and then there the one about the 17 year old zombie killer, and it just goes on and on and on and on and on.
Thanks for the interview! It made me think! Oy, now I have a headache!
Monday, October 19, 2009
Breaking Dawn

Author: Stephenie Meyer
Publisher: Little Brown
Price: $22.99 USD HB
Release: August 2008
Grade: B
Rating: 15+
Summary: (
Bella’s story plays out in some unexpected ways. The ongoing conflicts that made this series so compelling--a human girl in love with a vampire, a werewolf in love with a human girl, the generations-long feud between werewolves and vampires--resolve pretty quickly, apparently so that Meyer could focus on Bella’s latest opportunity for self-sacrifice: giving her life for someone she loves even more than Edward. How close she comes to actually making that sacrifice is questionable, which is a big shift from the earlier books. Even though you knew Bella would make it through somehow, the threats to her life, and to her relationship with Edward, had previously always felt real.
My Thoughts:
I have been a big fan of the Twilight Saga from book one. I admitted that I couldn’t stand New Moon though. I would not say I couldn’t stand this book but I will say that some parts were a bit too dull. If there was not enough to fill all 700+ pages maybe she should have cut back. There were pointless, over repeated details. I got the feeling that the reader was almost being talked down to because of the repetition.
Overall this was a good book with a few new details but I felt the details needed more work.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Blogger interview
1. Are you one of those agressive book readers who dog ears book pages or are you the fancy bookmark kind? Have a favorite bookmark?
Oh no! I’m totally not the aggressive type. I just bought a bookmark, that looks so cute!It’s a bookmark that I bought at the Hermitage (museum). It has a picture of Gravin Varvara Aleksejevna Moesina Poesjkina on it.
2. What is your favorite NON Fiction book?
I have many! But my favourites are Northanger Abbey, Emma, Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen.
3. Do you ever listen to audiotapes? Whats your opinion of them?
I don’t. I do want to try one ASAP, but they are so expensive. I think they are a great, if you’re eyes get tired of reading. :)
4. Do you ever read the ending first or would that spoil the surprise?
Oh no! That totally would spoil the surprise! I don’t do that.
5. What are you currently reading? Thoughts so far?
I just finished Northanger Abbey again! I loved it. The next book that I’am going to read is Emma of Jane Austen. I love to reread them, and this is the best time of year to do that.
6. Do you prefer reading in the bathtub or bed or a chair? why?
I have a favourite chair in my bedroom, but I also enjoy reading in bed. Reading in my chair, with a blanket on top is my favourite spot to read.
7. How many books do you have? How are they organized?
30, well now I have 31, I think. They are not organized whatsoever. :)
8. Do you like scary books? If so what’s your favourite one?
I like scary books allot! When I was younger, I always loved reading books of RL.Stine. I still do. I don’t have a favourite scary book!
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Author: Stephenie Meyer
Publisher: Little Brown
Price: $19.99 USD HB
Release: August 2007
Grade: A
Rating: 14+
Summary: (Amazon)
Jake, the werewolf met in New Moon, pursues Bella with renewed vigilance. However, when repercussions from an episode in Twilight place Bella in the mortal danger that series fans have come to expect, Jake and Edward forge an uneasy alliance. The plot patterns have begun to show here, but Meyer's other strengths remain intact. The supernatural elements accentuate the ordinary human dramas of growing up. Jake and Edward's competition for Bella feels particularly authentic, especially in their apparent desire to best each other as much as to win Bella. Once again the author presents teenage love as an almost inhuman force: "[He] would have been my soul mate still," says Bella, "if his claim had not been overshadowed by something stronger, something so strong that it could not exist in a rational world."
My Thoughts:
I was super excited about Eclipse. I loved Twilight but after reading New Moon I had wanted to give up on the series. No worries anymore though. Eclipse totally made up for the lack of plot in New Moon.
Bella was so vulnerable in this novel; you just had to feel sorry for her. The fact that she was so worried and couldn’t take care of herself just made me really feel for her. It can’t be easy to have to rely on others just to keep breathing.
Edward was adorable (TEAM EDWARD) in Eclipse. He totally made me smile with the way he was. I always end up with the guys like Emmet so for once I would like an Edward. Chivalry is not dead guys, ask Edward!!!
As for Jacob, don’t even get me started. I can’t stand that kid. I haven’t liked him since book one. He is like the annoying little pest you just want to smash. He is overly needy and extremely arrogant. Total jerk if you ask me.
My overall opinion is that everyone should read this book! I usually hate fantasy but this series is awesome (aside from New Moon). Go buy a copy now!!!
Thursday, October 15, 2009

Claim to Fame: Nikki Reed
Grade: B
Rating: R
gut-wrenching portrait of adolescence, Thirteen is made all the more powerful because it was co-written by a genuine teenage girl, Nikki Reed, who also co-stars in the movie. Tracy (Evan Rachel Wood), a serious good student, finds herself needing to express her anger and resentment at her fractured family life. To rebel, she pursues a friendship with the reckless, alluring Evie (Reed), who seems to have all the cocksure freedom that Tracy desires. What follows is both harrowing and compelling: Tracy becomes enmeshed in a relationship with Evie that empowers Tracy and drags her deeper into the misery she wants to escape--and terrifies her mother (Holly Hunter), who struggles desperately to hold on to her daughter's love.
Title: 4/5
The title did fit the movie but something told me it could have been a bit better. A one world title can’t show enough insight into the plot.
Cover: 5/5
The cover fit this movie perfectly. It showed the wild side of the teen girls with the tongue ring and it didn’t get too flashy.
Plot: 4/5
Overall the plot was great but left a few too many empty holes. Another spot with room for improvement.
Acting: 4/5
A few parts in this movie could have been cast better. Overall the acting was just above mediocre.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Wednesday Wishlist

Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Blogger Interview
1. How did you come across your first book blog?
Well I actually never knew there were book blogs until I was talking to my friend about books. I was telling her how I love to talk about books I read, and she said that I should start a blog and then she showed me hers. As soon as I saw it I said "Now this could be fun" and I have been having fun ever since.
2. What was the first book you reviewed? Did you like it?
The first book I reviewed was Hush, Hush and I absolutely loved it! I would recommend it to anyone who like paranormal or fantasy books. When I was sent this book I was so excited to read it that I ended up reading it in a day.
3. How many books do you buy each month? Bought any good ones this month?
Too be honest I think I spend more money on books than on my rent. I would say I buy anywhere from 30-40 books each month depending on how much money I have (I am a college student). This has just started but I am looking forward to buying many books!
4. What is unique about your blog?
I think that my blog brings a sense of humor to everything, I want everyone to feel welcome so I try and make them laugh. Also when I review books I make sure I give an accurate description to let everyone know if they would like the book. I try and find books everyone will like, and give recommendations. I guess I just try and make my blog like me, so everyone can know me as well as the books I read.
5. Who is your favorite author and why?
This is definitely a tough question, however I would have to say at the moment I am in love with Christopher Moore. Mainly because he is the funniest author ever! He takes paranormal and fantasy and twist it into humor, even serious subjects he finds a way to make it hilarious.
6. Ever met any bloggers in person? Who?
Well I don't think this counts but my friend Jessica who started me on book blogging. Her blog is called Books Love Jessica Marie she is very nice. I do want to meet more bloggers though, I would love for all of us to get together at a big book convention!
7. What was your favorite childhood book?
Ironically my favorite childhood book is Where the Wild Things Are, and now that they are turning it into a movie! I am so excited to go and see it! Also when I was younger I loved to read the Harry Potter books and the Lord of the Rings series.
8. Were you slow or fast when it came to learning to read?
When I was younger I was slower when it came to reading however I think it was because my school made me read things I did not want to read. When I was little I thought all books were like history and science book and so I never wanted to read. Then as I grew I fell in love with Fiction, Urban Fantasy, Paranormal books and I can read any book in a day (when I am not in class, or sometimes when I am in class =] ).
Monday, October 12, 2009
Must Monday
Secrets Girls Keep shows teens that when they help share their stories without judgment, they begin to break down the walls and ensure better and safer choices for their futures. Many girls today struggle with feelings of low confidence, loneliness, rejection, and depression and then look to unsafe sex, drugs and alcohol for comfort and answers. This book shares the personal stories of other girls as they share their secrets, showing the reader that she is not alone in her struggles. Each chapter tackles a separate issue that is relevant to teenage girls today along with stories and seven secrets they can use to overcome the issues discussed in each chapter.
The book helps girls to think for themselves and explore their own feelings about these issues and gives them ways to open dialogue with parents, teachers, and others. Secrets Girls Keep is easy to read, includes fun quizzes, and it is written through teen voices.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Blogger interview
1. When and why did you begin reviewing?
I began reviewing in July and I started because I saw a blog called A Garden of Books and I though it was really cool! I didn't know something like this existed! I'm glad I found that blog! If not, then, I probably wouldn't be blogging right now!
2. Have you made new friends who are bloggers? Who?
YES! I've made friends with everyone who supported me or who just randomly talks to me! I'd consider my 'best' blogger friend to be Lilibeth from ChicaReader because her and I Skype a lot! I also talk to Kelsey from The Book Scout and Katie from Katie's Book Blog a lot! They're all awesome peeps!
3. Who is your favorite author and why?
This has become so easy for me to answer: Jennifer Echols and Simone Elkeles because their books (Perfect Chemistry and Going Too Far) are AMAZING!
4. What was the first chapter book you remember reading?
The Abundance of Katherines by John Green =)
5. Do you favor reading or writing?
BOTH! I love to read and write! I have a review blog, and I'm part of the Creative Writers' Society...that makes me both right? :-)
6. Who did you get your love of reading from?
My dad and my grandparents! They all love to read but they barely have enough time to these days!
7. Did you like the literatures schools assigned?
Yup...they're okay...not my preffered genre, but still good. Right now, we're reading Lord of The Flies.
8. Favorite book of all times and why?
Perfect Chemistry and Going too Far (duh!)
Friday, October 9, 2009
New York Book Bloggers
Let me show you a bit about it and then I will give you the address!
"Attention all tween girls in the NYC area!
The Amanda Project is the first series that invites tween girls to become a part of the mystery and contribute their own stories and ideas! Come celebrate the publication of the first in the 8-book series - Invisible I - and launch of The Amanda Project!
Hear author Melissa Kantor read from the book and talk about writing collaborative fiction.
AND, in the spirit of Amanda, we're also taking submissions from tween girls who aspire to be writers! Send your latest piece of fiction (up to 500 words) to, and we'll pick a select group of writers to read at the event!
For more"
If you want to attend this please go to Barnes and Noble at 150 East 86th Street (at Lexington Ave.)
Have fun guys!!!
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Fired Up
Title: Fired Up!
Claim to Fame: No super big name actors
Grade: B
Rating: Unrated Version
Summary: (Amazon)
The word "shameless" does not begin to describe Fired Up, a sneaky, self-aware teen comedy about two high-school jocks who join the cheerleading squad so they can score with girls at cheer camp. Naturally, they find themselves starting to care and end up committed to helping their squad win the big competition at the end. But while trotting through the formula paces, Fired Up manages to subvert the cliches of teen movies while fulfilling them at the same time. It's really kind of genius. Fusing the smart sassiness of Bring It On with the hyperactive self-referentiality of Dude, Where's My Car?, Fired Up wallows in the luscious flesh of its cast (both male and female) while pushing the horndogginess to ridiculous heights; it casts an absurdist eye on cheerleading while making savvy use of sports-movie plot devices; it starts out with the rigidly defined sex roles of high school, but by the end has mocked masculinity, femininity, homophobia, and furries(!). Nicholas D'Agosto (Heroes) and Eric Christian Olsen (Dumb and Dumberer: When Harry Met Lloyd) play the jocks with just the right mixture of likability and preposterousness.
Title: 5/5
The title was great and defiantly fit for the movie. It was unique and not the same cheer titles we’d been seeing over and over again!
Cover: 4/5
The cover was good but did have a degree of dullness to it. I didn’t like how it didn’t show much insight into the movie but it was still a nice cover.
Plot: 4/5
The plot was good but at times left room for improvement. Some holes were not filled and some of the crude humor was unnecessary and not even a part of the movie.
Acting: 4/5
The acting was good but not FANTASTIC! There were a few parts that could have been casted a little better when it came to some cheerleaders. Other parts were cast correctly!
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Wednesday Wishlist
by Kathleen Jeffrie Johnson
That first day of class, her eyes had flickered over him the way a teacher's will. But hers had come back to rest. Before flitting away again.
It was too late. She had seen him.
Connor pretended she hadn't, but she had. It terrified him. It made his blood sing.
His history teacher, Ms. Timms.
What had he ever thought about, before he thought about her?
At last, Connor understood that his life was his to live. No more pity love. Not from aunts and neighbors. Not from missing mothers and fathers. Not from drunks. The real thing was his this time; he just needed to take it.
Why I want it: I have always been interested in psychology and so with these kinds od books I like to think about why the character did what they did. I know I am not always right with my guesses but its like a case study. The teacher/student thing is very unique.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Author Interview
1. Where did the idea for Secret Society come from?
I've always wanted to write an adventure series -- I thought it would be cool to explore the idea of a secret society that tapped people in high school, luring them in with promises of privilege and wealth.
2. Who is your intended audience?
The book is for everyone, but I find that it's most appropriate for ages 12 and up. I get many fans in their twenties, though, and I've heard from a lot of adults who love it as well.
3. How long did it take you to write this book?
It took a year to write, which was very fast.
4. Has publishing it been a long process?
It always is, though this book was much quicker than others I have worked on.
5. What was the hardest part of writing this book?
When you're writing about something fantastical like a secret society, the challenge is to make everything else as realistic as possible. If you do that, your readers will go with you wherever you take them.
6. What authors inspire you?
So many -- the classics, JD Salinger, F. Scott Fitzgerald. In YA, Melissa de la Cruz and Scott Westerfeld are terrific.
7. Who do you love to read?
I read all sorts of authors. A lot of nonfiction recently -- stuff about jewel thieves and museum heists. Inspiration for the next book!
8. What is unique to your writing?
I think my characters in SECRET SOCIETY have a timeless quality to them -- they live very much in the present, but they are aware of the past.
9. Who was your support well writing?
My husband, Drew, was there the entire time to read every draft and convince me I would make it to the finish.
10. Any advice to wannabe writers?
You just have to keep going and stick to it!
Monday, October 5, 2009
Must Monday 40
Angst and betrayal abound as teens search the French countryside for their missing classmate in this exciting sequel to Beautiful Americans.
The book opens with PJ on a train, racing toward Rouen to meet her sister, Annabel. But Annabel's life may be fraught with troubles far worse than her own.
Alex persuades Jay and Zack to hunt for PJ at one of her absentee father's ritzy estates in the country. But a painful encounter with her dad leaves Alex weeping—on Jay's shoulder. Three's a crowd for Zack; he heads to Amsterdam seeking an old friend, and a place to belong.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Blogger Interview
1. When did you start reviewing? Why?
I started my fluttering heart in October of 2008, but it was mainly as a diary entry type scheme so I could keep track of all the perfectly pretty things the world has to offer. I didn't expect people to read it! Then I noticed on other blogs that there were book reviews, and it was like I'd had a brainsnap the entire time I had been blogging previously, and now I had seen the light: "You mean, I can blog? About my favourite thing in the whole wide world? And analyse them to death? And other people might read it? And agree with me? And disagree with me? Wow."<------Those were my brain's thoughts, in consecutive order. And here I am!
2. What book should be a movie? Tv series?
For movies, I would love to see The Knife of Letting Go by Patrick Ness on the silver screen. Such an amazingly original, adventurous, romantic, dystopian YA novel. I think it would be a total rollercoaster ride and I would love every thrill-seeking minute and I promise I would only stop to vomit AFTER it had finished the ride. That's how good the book was. It would translate perfectly into a movie -seriously. I heart it very much. As for a TV series - I would dearly love to see Libba Bray's Gemma Doyle Trilogy (A Great and Terrible Beauty, Rebel Angels and A Sweet, Far Thing) be played out in a series. These books have such a beautiful eye for detail - I can see me rushing home from work to watch every episode of the girls in the boarding school - experiencing the perils of life in their flouncy Victorian petticoats, and then after a couple of episodes have everything turned upside down by their understanding that they have magic powers and can travel to another world! I think it's the type of series where you would miss all the gorgeous little details if it was only made into a 2 hour movie for each book.
3. How do you feel about authors all making prequels?
I love prequels as long as they're done well. Prequels should bring something new to the story, as well as fleshing out the original. Authors shouldn't just be writing prequels to cash in on adding more to a series - but I definitely think a fan to the series would enjoy knowing more about what the author thought might have happened in the history of their beloved characters.
4. Do you have an opinion on the lit assigned in school?
I always felt like I was lucky to read the books I did during school. They were never books that I would've chosen to read myself, and I only read them at the time because I had to - but now, years later, I think I understand the messages contained within them and some of them have become my absolute favourites! I trust english teachers with my (reading) life.
5. Do you review every book you read?
I do now!
6. Whats unique about your blog?
my fluttering heart is just that - my heart. I say things about books and movies on there that I might say in real life, but I have time to think about it so they sound better than just spontanously speaking - or at least to me they do! I feel like every day I stab this magic hospital needle into my arteries and draw out my brain's thinkings and my heart's exciteable nature - there's a lot of blood, sweat and tears that go into my reviews, but even if they're ugly thoughts, they're true to me. My reviews would never pander to the publishers - if I don't like a book I'm going to say I don't like it and then say why. Blog With Integrity, people!! *pumps fist into the air*
7. Whats unique about you?
I love beauty in anything INSTANTLY to DEATH AND BEYOND- it can be overwhelming! I like to be creative in everything I do. I get so passionate and obsessed with so many things that it becomes a health risk - I'm completely and utterly distracted from the real world by whatever pretty, sparkly thing crosses my path. If I could die with only sparkles and gold glitter and faeries in my vision I would die a happy girl. I don't pretend to think i'm completely unique, or at least not completely original. But I'd love to find more people out there like me. :)
8. Do you plan to review for a long time?
I certainly hope so. As long as I continue to have the support of the big wide blogosphere nothing can stop me!
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Lock and Key
Title: Lock and Key
Author: Sarah Dessen
Publisher: Viking
Price: $18.99 USD HB
Release: 2008
Grade: B
Rating: 14+
Summary: (Barnes and Noble)
Ruby is used to taking care of herself. But now she's living in a fancy new house with her sister Cora—a sister she hasn't seen in ten years—and her husband Jamie—creator of one of the most popular online networking sites. She's attending private school, wearing new clothes, and for the first time, feels the promise of a future that include college and her family. So why is she so wary? And what is Nate— the adorable and good-hearted boy next door— hiding behind his genial nature? As Ruby starts to see, there's a big difference between being given help, and being able to accept it. And sometimes, in order to save yourself, you've got to reach out to someone else.
My thoughts:
This book basically had two covers which I thought was super cool. The dust jacket was awesome but the cover under it was AMAING! I wish that was the actual cover because it was the best.
When I was thinking about the title I thought Lock and Key was a dull choice. When I continued to think about it I realized I couldn’t think of a better, more fitting one. Sometimes you need the dull one.
Sarah fully developed her characters in this novel. There was an undeniable chemistry between the characters which is necessary for the juicy relationships. Sarah created just that.
The plot of this novel was a bit too common but it was still good. It had the repetitive Sarah Dessen feel to it. The setting was very descriptive which was nice. All of the images were portrayed so vividly, it was as if you were actually there.
I didn’t like the ending. It was okay but not at all what I had been wanting. It felt like it was unfinished.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Viola in Reel Life
Author: Adriana Trigiani
Publisher: Harperteen
Price: $16.99 USD HB
Release: September 2009
Grade: A
Rating: 12+
I'm marooned.
Left to rot in boarding school . . .
Viola doesn't want to go to boarding school, but somehow she ends up at an all-girls school in South Bend, Indiana, far, far away from her home in Brooklyn, New York. Now Viola is stuck for a whole year in the sherbet-colored sweater capital of the world.
There's no way Viola's going to survive the year—especially since she has to replace her best friend Andrew with three new roommates who, disturbingly, actually seem to like it there. She resorts to viewing the world (and hiding) behind the lens of her video camera.
Boarding school, though, and her roommates and even the Midwest are nothing like she thought they would be, and soon Viola realizes she may be in for the most incredible year of her life.
But first she has to put the camera down and let the world in.
My thoughts:
I loved the cover that was chosen for this book! It was not only beautiful but it gave us an insight into what the character was like. The fact that the yellow shoes were included was fabulous! Some real thought was put into this choice.
The title, Viola in Reel Life, was a great choice. The play on words was unique and lovely. The fact that they used Reel not Real shows a tremendous amount of thought.
The characters in this novel were so well developed, it was fantastic! I loved how different each one was and how the author took the time to fully develop each and every one.
This novels plot was very unique. I loved that a large aspect was boarding school. I have always wanted to go to boarding school so that always draws my attention. The boarding school aspect in itself was unique. The film aspect blew it over the top.
Boarding school was the perfect setting for this novel. Because this book was so focused on film Indiana was a nice choice as well. There was pretty scenery to be vividly described.
The end of this story was good but it left one big hole totally unfilled. I felt that because it was left unanswered it took away from the ending.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Theatrical Thursday

Claims to Fame: Kirsten Dunst
Grade: D
Rating: R
Played in a delicate minor key, the film is heartbreaking, mysterious, and soulfully funny, set in a Michigan suburb of the mid-1970s but timeless and universal to anyone who's been a teenager. The four surviving Lisbon sisters lost a sibling to suicide, and as its title suggests, the film will chart their mutual course to oblivion under the vigilance of repressive parents (Kathleen Turner and James Woods, perfectly cast). But The Virgin Suicides is more concerned with life in that precious interlude of adolescence, when the Lisbon girls are worshipped by the neighborhood boys, their notion of perfection epitomized by Lux (Kirsten Dunst) and her storybook love for high-school stud Trip (Josh Hartnett). Unfolding at the cusp of innocence and sexual awakening, and recalled as a memory, The Virgin Suicides is, ultimately, about the preservation of the Lisbon sisters by their own deaths--suspended in time, polished to perfection, and forever untainted by adulthood.
Title: 5/5
The title was super awesome and lead me to believe that this would be a fantastic movie.
Cover: 3/5
The cover was average in my opinion. It seemed okay but nothing that really pulled me in. They could have done better.
Acting: 3/5
The acting in this movie was worse then I had expected. It wasn’t horrible but it was very average.
Plot: 2/5
The Plot was dull and left much to be desired. Too many blank holes needed to be filled.