Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Sloppy Firsts

*I have a new breaking it down format*

"You're here. Finally here."
Cover Image Sloppy Firsts by Megan McCafferty
~Breaking it down~
characters 10 theme 7
uniqueness 10 cover 9
plot 9 back 10
setting 10 my feelings 7
well developed 10 creativity 9
91% A
Sex 6 self destruction 9
Kissing 6 gore 10
swearing 5 mental illness 10
f-bombs 7 challenge 8
violence 9 drinking/drugs 7
77% PG-13
Jessica had a good life. The problem is, had is the key word. Her best friend moved away and now she hangs with a totally fake crowd. She hates the girls around her yet does nothing to change her circumstances. Now this guy Marcus is playing with er emotions so things have become even more complex...
~My Thoughts~
When I first bought Sloppy Firsts I was very excited. The things I had heard about it were nothing short of fantastic. I do think it was a good novel and it has earned it's place on my bookshelf, but it was not the super-fabulous-book it was made out to be. Also the fact that it was compared to Judy Blume... She is the most amazing author out there and this didn't even compare.
State: New Jersey


nadine said...

I'm looking forward to getting this one one of these days. The second one has built up enough dust on my shelf, but I can't stand to read a series out of order.

prophecygirl said...

I absolutely love this series, so it's interesting to hear your thoughts on why you didn't like it as much as you thought.

Did you connect with Jessica's character?

stargirlreads said...

TruBlu, Me too!!!

PG, in some ways. I did like the book I just think it was blown out of proprtion