Sunday, August 16, 2009


This week I have Shayla from here for a visit. This is what she has to say.

1. How old were you when you started blogging?
I started blogging when I was 21. In fact, it was simply a few weeks after I turned twenty-one that I started blogging.

2. Did your parents read to you a lot as a child?
My mom use to read to me right before I went to sleep. The books were usually classics like A Little Princess and Heidi.

3. What is your favorite thing about blogging? Your least favorite?
I love just being able to talk and share opinions of books with other readers. It is always refreshing to discuss and tell others what I think of a book.

The least favorite is that it seems that some bloggers tend to believe they are more deserving of books than others. I know I'm a new blogger, and don't expect to start receiving books for review for a while, but that doesn't mean others are any less deserving.

4. Is your family more proud of your blogging then you?
I'm not even sure my family knows about my blogging. Well maybe. My mom thinks it's cool that I started doing a blog, but that's about as much I know of what they think of my blogging.

5. Do you like to communicate with authors?
I love talking with authors, but I found out that I'm slightly shy about it. I have talked to very few authors at this time, but I hope that it will change soon.

6. Who is your favorite author and book by them?
Oh that is difficult! I would say my favorite author is Juliet Marillier and her book Heir to Sevenwaters is my favorite. Though the close second is Stephenie Meyer with Eclipse.

7. Any good advice blog related someone has given to you?
That would be not to start a book blog simply because you want free books. It is so true, because if you are in it for free books then there isn't really a point to a blog. Book blogs are started by those who love books not wanting free books. That's just a bonus.

8. Best advice you got from a book? What book?
I think that would be just never to give up. Even when life is hard, and it seems like you will fail whatever obstacle has been put in your path, if you persevere you will find everything your heart desires. This came from a lot of Juliet Marillier's books, but particularly Daughter of the Forest

Thank you Shayla! If you would like an interview please email me!

1 comment:

Kristen said...

Go Shayla! It's nice to find out a little more about my fellow bloggers. Great interview.